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My services

Communications  can cover a wide range of disciplines including marketing and public relations.

Here are some examples of how I could help:


Writing: Online content, articles and features; case studies; stories; press releases; reports (research, annual reports, business plans); blogs; speeches or presentations.

Editorial: Proof-reading (grammar, punctuation,  layout); Making ‘Plain English’.


Strategic: Research and insight with service users, customers, beneficiaries; recommendations on brand development; researching, writing, presenting communications strategy; crisis communications strategy; comprehensive overview of organisational messages.


News management: Recommendations on maximising media coverage cost effectively; writing and distribution of news (a virtual press office when needed).


Digital and social: Social media strategy; recommendations on platforms and tone of voice; writing and editing of posts.

Internal communications: Facilitating workshops on values, vision or strategy; practical recommendations on engaging with teams or individuals; change management.


It may be that you do not have in-house PR team; or you need some extra support at certain periods. You may be an individual starting a business or a large organisation needing to outsource a project.


I’m more than happy to discuss your needs. If I don't have the right skill set I will tell you but I will also do my best to find the right specialist for you.


I have a wide network of professional photographers, digital specialists, designers, brand specialists, customer researchers, printers, media trainers or customer care experts.


I’m always happy to put you in touch with someone I know and respect.

"I can testify to her excellent ability in both giving a strategic approach and supporting with practical action."

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